ʚ♡ɞ subliminals ʚ♡ɞ

a collection of subliminals from some very lovely creators ♡

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Sunday Jul 24, 2022

details - by: opal (jupiter) on youtube; og title: improve posture + get rid of neck hump 
affs: have perfect posture, 90° shoulders, always sit & stand straight. you’re immune to, free from neck hump/dowager’s hump, kyphosis, forward head posture. decreased curve in the upper neck, strong upper back muscles, curve of thoracic spine is 20°. eliminate neck fat.

Sunday Jul 24, 2022

by: YRUY ♡original title: tightest & clearest, glass-like skinaffirmations: I have the tightest and clearest skin in all humanity, it feels so amazing have clear and clean glass like skin, my skin always feels so soft naturally, my pores appear small naturally, it's in my genetics to have tight and small pores which i appreciate, i use barely any products to make my skin free of black heads, white heads, acne, and pimples, my skin naturally is rid of them, my skin is feeling soft and fresh 24/7, I am so grateful to have such beautiful and uplifted skin, I look like i have botox by how nice and uplifted my skin is, I am free of any signs of aging on my skin, my skin is very youthful looking and gives such a baby like feel, I give such a good impression to everyone i meet since i am always looking refreshed and wonderful since my skin is so bright and elastic, I am always gaining compliments when it comes to my skincare i really love that my skin keeps my sebum production balanced, I am happy my skin is always very hydrated and looking so liquid smooth at all times. I am so thankful that my pores are tight and my skin is elastic and smooth. I have really everything you could want out of a skincare routine naturally.notice: these affirmations and this subliminal belongs to YRUY ♡ on youtube. go show them some love!addison’s notes: hellooo this is my first episode! it was so hard to get this far lol podcasts are confusing. have a good day friends :)


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letter to the universe 2022

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